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  Herramientas y equipos básicos de Bar - Guía del camarero
Posted by: kjfwi258 - 08-19-2021, 06:48 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

La primera vez que camine detrás de la barra, notará todas las wine tools y dispositivos parpadeantes de la barra que pueden ser desconcertantes.En la parte superior de cada botella hay cucharas en espiral, palos de madera en forma elegante, agitadores en todas partes, medidores de nombres extraños, mezcladores, exprimidores, mazos, embudos y pequeños respiraderos.
¿Dónde quieres empezar?
¿Entender estas herramientas y su uso?
¿Invertir en su propio equipo para que pueda practicar haciendo cócteles deliciosos en casa?
Esto es lo que veremos en este artículo.Vamos a introducir las herramientas y equipos más importantes que los camareros utilizan para hacer bebidas maravillosas, y lo que usted necesita para empezar.
Empezaremos con las herramientas básicas del barman.Estas son las cosas que cada camarero debe llevar consigo en el trabajo.También son útiles para las personas que les gusta beber en casa.
Luego pasamos a un equipo de cóctel específico.Estas son las herramientas que usted debe invertir. Usted puede practicar en casa, celebrar cócteles, o preparar una buena bebida para usted después de un día de trabajo duro.
En el mundo real y en línea, usted puede comprar herramientas de bar en varios lugares.En primer lugar, considere comprar a un minorista local (si lo hay).En las ciudades más grandes, algunos minoristas se centrarán en bares y equipos de cocina.Usted debe ser capaz de comprar herramientas de alta calidad allí.
Para estar en línea, considere los siguientes minoristas: – hoy en día, usted puede obtener casi cualquier cosa de Amazon. – especialmente útil para los consumidores australianos.Tienen una serie de equipos de alta calidad, a un precio razonable, con sede en Australia.
Productos de bar set. Com – cuenta con una amplia gama de instalaciones de bar, cristalería, cocina y bar familiar.¡Compruebe cuidadosamente su sitio web, que es impresionante!
Hay muy pocas herramientas de bar y cada camarero debe llevar consigo en el trabajo.En casi todos los hoteles en los que he trabajado, la gente quiere que los camareros los tengan y los lleven.
Si no lo haces, parece poco profesional y perezoso.Así que si eres camarero, hazte un favor y compra estos artículos lo antes posible.No puedes (y no deberías) esperar que un bar te ofrezca estos servicios.
Además, si usted está buscando un trabajo como camarero, usted debe llevar estos artículos a su clase de prueba.
Las herramientas básicas de camarero en servicio incluyen:
Hoja de Bar - se utiliza para abrir rápidamente botellas de cerveza y otros usos temporales.Nunca se sabe cuándo o qué hoja será útil.
Cuchillo de wine rack / amigo del camarero / llave de vino - para abrir botellas de corcho, botellas de cerveza y otros usos temporales.
2 bolígrafos – llevar al menos 2 bolígrafos.Uno puede usarlo, uno en caso de que pierdas el primero, dejará de funcionar, o tendrás que dejarlo.
Encendedor - incluso si no eres fumador, el encendedor es útil.Para los cócteles, se utilizan para encender el entusiasmo naranja o para encender a los tiradores.En el bar, se pueden utilizar para encender velas o ayudar a los fumadores necesitados.
Si desea practicar un camarero en casa, construir su propio bar familiar, o celebrar una fiesta de cócteles, estas herramientas no le llevarán lejos.
Claro, puedes encender cerveza y wine glass, encender velas y jugar a la Cruz de suma cero, pero si te vas allí, será un cóctel bastante malo.
Así que si realmente quieres hacer cócteles, tienes que invertir en equipos de cóctel.
He dividido este dispositivo en dos categorías."Lujo" de lo esencial y no esencial.
Lo más básico es que usted debe invertir en bartender tools y equipos de bar tan pronto como sea posible.Usted será capaz de utilizar estas herramientas para hacer una variedad de cócteles deliciosos, incluso si se trata de una List a minimalista.
Los artículos "de lujo" no esenciales son herramientas "bien poseídas" o que pueden ser útiles pero que pueden ser reemplazados por artículos de la lista de "necesidades".Cuando empezaste, no eran necesarios.
Un buen cuchillo formará parte de cualquier herramienta de mezcla sólida.Lo usarás todo el tiempo para cortar las raciones, limones y Lima, y cualquier fruta o verdura que finalmente aparecerá en tu cóctel.No hay nada peor que tratar de empuñar un cuchillo contundente y frágil, así que invertir en un buen cuchillo.
La tabla de cortar es una herramienta que no necesita usar la cabeza cuando está cortando.Necesitas algo para cortar, y las tablas de cortar son más higiénicas que los escritorios.También ayudará a mantener su cuchillo afilado durante más tiempo.
El hielo es la última cosa que la gente que acaba de llegar a un camarero quiere hacer.Esto se da por sentado y nunca se considera.Pero el hielo es uno de los ingredientes más importantes para hacer cócteles.Enfría su bebida y diluye el alcohol - una característica básica de un cóctel sabroso.
¡Así que necesitas herramientas para usar el poder del hielo!
Primero, necesitas un cubo de hielo para que no tengas que correr de ida y vuelta de la nevera.
Segundo, necesitas una cuchara de hielo.Trata de no usar tus manos para conseguir hielo.No es higiénico.¡Hagas lo que hagas, No uses un vaso!Los trozos de vidrio pueden romperse en hielo y terminar en la bebida de alguien.Es peligroso...
Por lo tanto, invertir en una cuchara de hielo: -).
Si no tienes una cuchara de hielo, puedes usar tu jarra de Boston como una cuchara de hielo temporal.Véase Boston Shaker infra.
JIG es un pequeño dispositivo de medición utilizado por los camareros detrás del bar.Se utilizan para medir con precisión los ingredientes de un cóctel para que pueda mantener el equilibrio.
Cuando empiece a trabajar, se recomienda encarecidamente el uso de jigs.Verter "latas" gratis es preciso y ciertamente más rápido, pero por eso la mayoría de los bares de cócteles prefieren usar jigs.Este es el método más fiable para medir con precisión el líquido en un vaso.
Aunque he sido camarero durante tanto tiempo & he trabajado en un bar gratuito, mi patrón predeterminado es usar jigs cada vez que hago cócteles.
El Decantador rápido es el respiradero que se encuentra al final de la botella del bar.Pueden ayudarle a controlar el flujo de vertido de la botella y medir su volumen de vertido libre con mayor precisión.En resumen, ayudan a acelerar el proceso de fabricación de bebidas.
No necesariamente llamo a la barra de casa de las aves de velocidad "esencias", porque usted puede simplemente medir con precisión con un cabrestante.Pero son esenciales detrás del bar.Si su objetivo es convertirse en un camarero, entonces sin ellos, la velocidad de la bebida será demasiado lenta, y será mejor que se acostumbre a ellos ahora.
Boston Shaker es un kit de vibración de dos piezas.Uno es más pequeño que el otro, así que puedes golpearlos juntos para formar un sello apretado, y cuando lo sacudes, el líquido no salpica en ninguna parte.
Casi todos los camareros del planeta usan el agitador de Boston como su herramienta preferida.Son rápidos, fáciles de usar, fáciles de filtrar, y pueden ser utilizados como sustitutos de cucharas de hielo o como contenedores de mezcla para mezclar cócteles.
Cuando quiera comprar un traje de Boston Shaker, elija un traje de lata de 2 piezas en lugar de un traje de lata de vidrio.Si usted utiliza un agitador Boston a menudo, el vidrio eventualmente se romperá, por lo que usted puede obtener una mejor relación calidad - precio con una caja de estaño.
Para cualquier tipo de bebedor, cantinero u otra persona, las herramientas de cantinero en servicio son esenciales.Así que asegúrate de conseguir los artículos primero.¡Las personas que beben en casa pueden irse sin cuchillas de bar, pero son baratas, así que cómpralas de todos modos!
Una vez que tenga esto, comience a navegar por la lista de artículos necesarios para hacer cócteles y anote cada elemento de la lista antes de ver artículos de lujo.
Si no tienes equipo, vale la pena considerar comprar un traje de cóctel.Un traje de cóctel robusto y decente como este incluirá la mayoría de los artículos necesarios & tal vez algunos artículos de lujo.
A continuación, usted puede simplemente recoger otras cosas por sí mismo, como la prensa de frutas, accesorios de hielo, tablas de cortar y cuchillos.
Usted debe ser capaz de encontrar todo en línea (Amazon es bueno), pero si le gusta ir de compras usted mismo, trate de encontrar una tienda de suministros de Bar profesional porque tienen un equipo de mejor calidad.
Esa es mi última sugerencia.Cuando invierta en estas herramientas y equipos de bar, elija productos de alta calidad.Confía en mí.Trate de evitar comprar un traje de cóctel de $12 y ver más inversión en alrededor de $100.
Si cuidas de estas herramientas, te beneficiarán de por vida.Y el equipo de camarero de alta calidad se ve mejor y se siente mejor cuando se utiliza.
¡Dicho esto, si usted está en problemas de dinero y necesita practicar sus habilidades de bebida, compre un conjunto de herramientas de $12!Cuando usted gana mucho dinero más tarde como camarero, usted siempre puede invertir en equipos de alta calidad.

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  Characteristics of a Good Carrier Media
Posted by: kjfwi258 - 08-19-2021, 06:46 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

Tom owns a production factory. Every day, the factory produces 10 kg of a certain product. Based on his experience, Tom knows that, on average, one trained worker with correct tools could manage to pack and ship out 1 kg of the product daily. Being a predictive man, Tom considers the probability that one worker might get sick. To be on the safe side, he has 11trained workers instead of 10. This helps him prevent an overcapacity situation in the warehouse in the event that one of them is sick or the factory has to increase its production capacity. With his 11 trained workers and correct tools, Tom’s factory operates smoothly every day without trouble.
Now, let’s compare this with the biological wastewater treatment process. The product is the organic load to be removed by means of wastewater treatment; the trained workers and tools are equivalent to the carrier media and biomass in the wastewater treatment process, respectively. Similar to the workers who cannot pack and ship out the products without tools, the carrier MBBR media cannot remove the organic load from the wastewater without biomass.
If one day Tom’s factory starts producing another product that requires a different packing method, he doesn’t dismiss his 11 workers and hire a new group. Rather, he allows his workers time to become familiar with their new working tools. The same applies to biological wastewater treatment: The biomass that grows on the carrier MBBR bio carrier media will gradually adapt itself to remove a different type of organic load or concentration.

In order for Tom to ensure his factory can run smoothly, he needs both skilled workers and a good set of tools for them to use. The lack of either will slow down the packing speed. For biological wastewater treatment with MBBR, the biomass as well as the carrier media that acts as the housing for the bacteria are very important.
A good MBBR carrier media provides more than just a protected habitat for the bacteria to grow; it also ensures that all bacteria that grow on it are sufficiently supplied with nutrients for their metabolism. During the biological treatment process, the bacteria consume dissolved organic substances. Without sufficient nutrients, the growth of the bacteria is hindered, or worse, the bacteria die off. These phenomena will reduce the removal efficiency and lead to an unqualified wastewater discharge. Hence, a proper selection of the carrier media is essential. This decision will affect both the organic removal performance and the cost required to run the plant.
A good MBBR carrier has the following characteristics:
• A large protected surface area to maximize the amount of biomass;
• A porous surface to strengthen the biomass’s adhesion;
• An optimal substrate diffusion depth to ensure the metabolism;
• Wear-resistance for durability.
In terms of treatment, a good MBBR carrier aquaculture filter media ensures that all biomass is active to remove the organic substances from the water. From the user’s perspective, a good MBBR carrier media eases the operation and provides a variety of savings, such as in construction and operation. 
In a wastewater treatment application, the required amount of MBBR carrier media depends on the organic load that needs to be removed by means of the bacteria’s metabolism, the rate of which is influenced by water temperature and the type of substrate.
Although MBBR carrier media might just be a little piece of plastic (or some other material), its role in wastewater treatment is vital to keep the biomass active in order to deliver the best possible organic removal performance. WW
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MBBR) are used increasingly in closed systems for farming of fish. Scaling, i.e. design of units of increasing size, is an important issue in general bio-reactor design since mixing behaviour will differ between small and large scale. Research is mostly performed on small-scale biofilters and the question is to what extent this can be upscaled to a commercial level. Therefore, the objective of this research was to establish the effect of mixing and scale on MBBR performance. The research was done in two major parts; firstly effects of scale-sensitive factors were studied in small reactors. Secondly, performance of these small reactors was then compared to increasingly large reactor sizes, using the same inlet water quality and biofilm.
Firstly, a 200 L MBBR (medium scale) was operated continuously using a synthetic feed solution. Biofilm carriers from this reactor was used for short-term experiments in 0.8 L reactors (small scale) and compared with the performance of the 200 L medium scale reactor. Reactor geometry and superficial air velocity (m h−1) were identical in these experiments. Subsequently, the small reactors were incubated with biofilm carriers from three commercial farms and performance compared with these large scale reactors. In a number of additional experiments the effect of mixing and Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) was tested at small and medium scale.
The results showed that MBBR scale has a significant effect on TAN removal rate. In general, the larger the scale the better the performance. TAN removal (rTAN) at small scale (0.8 L) is about 80% compared to that at medium scale (200 L). The difference between small scale and large scale (>20 m3) is even higher. These findings warrant further studies on whether a plateau is reached in rTAN at a certain scale; a study which will have considerable importance for optimal design and dimensioning of commercial scale RAS. It was further found that superficial air velocity is not a good scaling factor for MBBRs. Upscaling while maintaining geometry implies increasing air injection depth and therefore increased energy input will be required at a comparable superficial air velocity, which is not incorporated in the superficial air velocity term (m h−1). Superficial air velocity and plastic media filling% were found to have a strong effect on mixing time at small scale. An air velocity below a threshold of 5 m h−1 decreased TAN removal at both small and medium scale. Intense mixing at small scale increased TAN removal at low TAN concentration. However, at a high TAN concentration, the small scale MBBR always performed at not more than 80% of the capacity of the medium scale system, irrespective of the mixing conditions. Hence, the capacity of full scale systems will be under-estimated when based solely on small scale experiments.
Suspended particles in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) provide surface area that can be colonized by bacteria. More particles accumulate as the intensity of recirculation increases thus potentially increasing the bacterial carrying capacity of the systems. Applying a recent, rapid, culture-independent fluorometric detection method (Bactiquant®) for measuring bacterial activity, the current study explored the relationship between total particle surface area (TSA, derived from the size distribution of particles >5 μm) and bacterial activity in freshwater RAS operated at increasing intensity of recirculation (feed loading from 0.043 to 3.13 kg feed m−3 make-up water). Four independent sets of water samples from different systems were analyzed and compared including samples from: (i) two individual constructed wetlands treating the effluent system water from two commercial, freshwater rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms of different recirculation intensity; (ii) an 8.5 m3 pilot scale RAS; and (iii) twelve identical, 1.7 m3 pilot scale RAS assigned one of four micro-screen treatments (no micro-screen, 100, 60, or 20 μm mesh size micro-screens) in triplicate. There was a strong, positive, linear correlation (p < 0.05) between TSA and bacterial activity in all systems with low to moderate recirculation intensity (i.e. feed loading ≤1 kg feed m−3 make-up water). However, the relationship apparently ceased to exist in the systems with highest recirculation intensity (feed loading 3.13 kg feed m−3 make-up water; corresponding to 0.32 m3 make-up water kg−1 feed). This was likely due to the accumulation of dissolved nutrients sustaining free-living bacterial populations, and/or accumulation of suspended colloids and fine particles less than 5 μm in diameter, which were not characterized in the study but may provide significant surface area. Hence, the study substantiates that particles in RAS provide surface area supporting bacterial activity, and that particles play a key role in controlling the bacterial carrying capacity at least in less intensive RAS. Applying fast, culture-independent techniques for determining bacterial activity might provide a means for future monitoring and assessment of microbial water quality in aquaculture farming systems.
Microbial water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) is important for successful RAS operation but difficult to assess and control. There is a need to identify factors affecting changes in the bacterial dynamics – in terms of abundance and activity – to get the information needed to manage microbial stability in RAS. This study aimed to quantify bacterial activity in the water phase in six identical, pilot scale freshwater RAS stocked with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during a three months period from start-up. Bacterial activity and dynamics were investigated by the use of a patented method, BactiQuant®. The method relies on the hydrolysis of a fluorescent enzyme-substrate and is a rapid technique for quantifying bacterial enzyme activity in a water sample. The results showed a forty-fold increase in bacterial activity within the first 24 days from start-up. Average BactiQuant® values (BQV) were below 1000 at Day 0 and stabilized around 40,000 BQV after four weeks from start. The study revealed considerable variation in initial BQV levels between identically operated and designed RAS; over time these differences diminished. Total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate levels were very similar in all six RAS and were neither related to nor affected by BQV. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) were highly reproducible parameters between RAS with a stable equilibrium dynamic over time. This study showed that bacterial activity was not a straightforward predictable parameter in the water phase as e.g. nitrate-N would be in identical RAS, and showed unexpected sudden changes/fluctuations within specific RAS. However, a bacterial activity stabilization phase was observed as systems matured and reached equilibrium, suggesting a successive transition from fragile to robust microbial community compositions.

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  6 Factors to Consider When Buying a Lotion Pump Dispenser
Posted by: kjfwi258 - 08-19-2021, 06:38 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

Lotion pumps are used in a wide variety of liquid products – we’re talking about soaps, body wash, hand creams, and the likes. Products with lotion pump dispensers are more noticeable and preferable by consumers, and why wouldn’t they? Lotion pumps are incredibly convenient to use, plus they last long.
If you are thinking of buying a lotion pump dispenser but doesn’t know how to check which is better and which is not, then you bumped in the right article. We’re going to list down six factors that you have to look at to land on the ideal pump closure for your containers. More than that, we made an additional list of six lotion pumps from YEHPAK that you have to check out. So, let’s go!
See our checklist that you need to weigh in when deciding which variety of lotion pump to buy.
Material Composition
The material composition of the lotion pump will determine the durability of the equipment. Aside from the commonly used polypropylene (PP) plastic, there are quite a lot of varieties you can select from, such as ceramic, steel, and glass materials.
Before you opt for a lotion pump dispenser, you must first evaluate where do you plan to use it. Will it be for personal use? For commercial use? Or for business consumption? If it is for private or household access, then ceramic or steel type would be excellent for aesthetics and longevity. If it is for commercial use, steel is preferable for durability. Last but not least, if it is for business, then plastic and glass type is your best option since they are lightweight and cost-efficient.
Neck Size
It is essential to know what is the precision of the neck size you are looking for. Some variables include 20/410, 20/415, 24/410, and 24/415 – and these sizes can almost match to various bottleneck sizes. Through this, you can create a perfect bottle–dispenser match, while trying your selected pump into different bottles of your product.
Tube Length
You also have to check the tube length. Note that the plastic tube used inside the container can be cut to the ideal size of the chamber. Besides, the diameter of the tube will depend on the thickness of the liquid inside the bottle. So choose wisely. 
Pump Dosage
0.5ml,0.12ml, 0.28ml, 1.4ml, and 2.0ml are just some of the popular dosing amount variables. Choosing your airless pump bottles dose will rely on product specifications, expected usage, cost of the product, or bottle capacity.
Since dispensing pumps are typically made of plastic in the manufacturing process, it would be effortless to add color along the process. This can be arranged easily if a client prefers dispensing pump customization in bulk. Frequently, they can also be colored with an aluminum sheath, which gives a compelling look and defines a luxury edge of a particular product. 
Every person in business knows that quality is essential, so if you opt for a good quality product, then you better be prepared to pay more. However, if the type of quality is none of your concern, then you can always choose for an economical pump dispenser – as long as it provides its purpose, then you won’t have a problem.
We have good news! If you are looking for a durable and excellent quality lotion pump, then you have to see YEHPAK’s bestsellers. What’s more, is that they’re offered at reasonable prices. Check them all out!
This white lotion pump has a 24/410 neck size, a discharge rate of 2cc, and a tube length of 90mm. This selection is ideal for liquid soap products and other house cleaning materials for ease of access
This lotion pump is open for product customization, depending on your style and color preference. You can choose from 24/410, 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415 neck sizes. This selection is best used for liquid soap, body wash, and lotions.
This lotion pump is available at 4 neck sizes – 24/410, 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415. You can opt for nail polish remover push pump dispenser customization with a discharge rate of 2cc. Also, you can select metallic colors, which is best for cosmetic items.  
This smooth black lotion pump is available in a wide range of neck sizes. You may choose from 20/410, 24/410, 24/415, 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415. Note that the dispenser is accessible for a discharge rate of 2cc – applicable to any bottled items.
Our smooth lotion pump dispenser is available at any color and ready for brand customization. You may select from 24/410, 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415 neck sizes. This selection has a discharge rate of 2cc and can be used for body wash, liquid soap, cleaning agents, cosmetics, and more.
Our nail polish pump dispenser is available in a wide range of neck sizes. You may choose from 20/410, 24/410, 24/415, 28/400, 28/410, and 28/415. Note that the dispenser is accessible for a discharge rate of 2cc, and is best used for body wash, liquid soap, and shampoo packaging
Plastic lotion pumps, one of the most popular dispensing methods for viscous (thick liquid) products in the personal care and beauty industry, come in all shapes and sizes. When used as designed, pumps dispense the right amount of product time after time. But have you ever wondered what goes in a lotion pump to makes it work? While there are hundreds of different designs in the market today, the basic principle is the same, and Packaging Crash Course took apart one of these lotion pumps to give you an overview of these components, and how they contribute to the overall functionality of pumping the product from the bottle to your hand.
Generally speaking, a lotion pump consists of the following components :
Actuator : An actuator, or the pump head, is what the consumer presses down to pump the product out of the container. The actuator is often made of PP plastic and can have many different designs - and often come with a up-lock or down-lock features to prevent accidental output,. This is one of the component designs that can set one pump apart from another when it comes to the exterior design, it is also the part where ergonomics play a role in consumer satisfaction.
Closure : The component that screws the entire assembly onto the neck finish of the bottle. It is identified with the common neck finish destination such as 28-410, 33-400. Often made of PP plastic, it is often designed with a rib side or smooth side surface. In certain cases a shiny metal overshell can be installed to give the lotion pump a high-end, elegant look.
A lotion pump acts much like a air suction device that draws the product from the bottle to the consumer's hand despite the law of gravity telling it do the opposite. When the consumer presses down on the actuator, the piston moves to compress the spring and the upward air pressure draws the ball upwards, along with the product inside, into the dip tube and subsequently the chamber. As the user releases the actuator, the spring returns the piston and actuator into it's up position, and the ball is returned to it's resting position, sealing the chamber and preventing the liquid product from flowing back down into the bottle. This initial cycle is called "priming". When the user presses down on the actuator again, the product that is already in the chamber will be drawn from the chamber, through the stem and actuator, and dispense out of the pump and onto the consumer's hand. If the pump has a bigger chamber (common for high output pumps), it may require additional priming before the product will be dispensed through the actuator.
Lotion Pump Output
The output of a plastic foam pump is often measured in cc (or ml). Commonly in the range of 0.5 to 4cc, with some larger pumps with bigger chambers and longer piston / spring components having output up to 8cc. Many manufacturers have multiple output options for each of their lotion pump offerings, giving the product marketer full control of dosage. For more information about pump output, please see our other Quick Question Monday article here.
To see a catalog list of the lotion pumps that O.Berk has to offer, please feel free to click here. If you have more questions about lotion pumps in general, please don't hesitate to contact us directly here.
Choosing the right fluid dispensing pump for a given application is critical. Whether it’s accuracy and precision or the need to perform for millions of cycles, understanding the most suitable types of pumps available is the first step. This article describes several pumps commonly used for medical manufacturing applications. It examines their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it discusses how to maximize accuracy by minimizing fluid slip, an important factor in the design of any positive displacement pump. It also looks at the importance of testing the fluid prior to determining what pump is best for the application.
There are essentially two types of drive systems that control fluid delivery using positive displacement. Linear drive systems and rotary drive systems. Positive displacement pumping refers to a pump that retracts in a cavity to generate volume on the suction side and extends into the cavity displacing the fluid on the discharge. This is a constant for each cycle. Both linear and rotary positive displacement pumps provide exceptional accuracy and precision. However, each method has its’ advantages and disadvantages.
Calibration. In a rotary application, the volume of displacement is a factor of the pump angle relative to the motor axis. Once the volume is calibrated, the pump module can be locked into position. The displacement is adjustable so it should be checked to confirm that calibration is still within specification. In a linear application, mechanical calibration is not required. The pump module is set in a static location, and volume is determined by how far the piston retracts in the cavity. There is no mechanical set point to change volume; only software is used to adjust this parameter.
Cycle Time. Rotary pumps can produce faster dispenses because the rotary valving motion and linear displacement motion are performed simultaneously. A single cycle is controlled by one revolution of the motor. Multiple revolutions will produce larger volumes based on the pumps fixed volume. Cycle time and the ability to produce a more constant flow rate (based on pump revolutions) are the rotary pumps’ strengths. The dispense profile of a rotary pump includes pulsations which are due to the sinusoidal waveform. This offers the unique advantage of firing off small volumes of fluid very quickly. An example of a rotary application would be dispensing microliter range dots of fluid onto a substrate passing through a high-speed automation system.
By contrast, a linear pump must retract from the suction port to draw fluid into the chamber valve to the discharge port, and then eject the fluid. In general, larger volumes require more time, depending on pump size. The linear dispense creates a flat dispense profile with no pulsation throughout the entire chamber capacity of the pump module. If more volume or a longer dispense is required, two pumps may be run out of phase so that one pump is discharging while the other is on the intake stroke. An example of a linear application would be dispensing a constant line over a distance, such as a diagnostic reagent, or precisely filling a substrate with slow absorption rates. Continuous web applications are ideal for this tandem approach.

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  Edible Films Created for Food Packaging
Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 06:01 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

An international group of scientists from India and Russia has created edible food transparent films for packaging fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat, and seafood. Films consist of natural ingredients, they are safe for health and the environment. In addition, films are water-soluble and dissolve by almost 90% in 24 hours. Description of the research and results of experiments are published in the Journal of Food Engineering.
"We have created three types of food super clear films based on the well-known naturally occurring seaweed biopolymer sodium alginate," said Rammohan Aluru, senior researcher Organic synthesis laboratory at Ural Federal University and co-author of the paper. "Its molecules have film-forming properties. Sodium alginate is an auspicious carbohydrate macromolecule that has the potential film-forming properties upon hydrolysis and abundantly existed in cell walls as a mixture of various salts. The greatest advantage of sodium alginate is that it performs as liquid-gel in an aqueous medium."

Alginate molecules were cross-linked with a natural antioxidant ferulic acid. It makes the film not only strong, but also homogeneous, more rigid, and prolongs the life of the products.
"Food stays fresh longer due to the antioxidant components that slow down the oxidation processes," said Grigory Zyryanov, professor of the Department of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry at Ural Federal University. "In addition, we can add to the films natural antiviral agents, which will also extend the shelf life of food. Garlic, turmeric, and ginger contain compounds that may prevent the spread of the viruses."
According to the authors, no special equipment for the production of films is required. On an industrial scale, it can be created by food products and films manufacturers.
"It can also be produced at a polymer production plant. The only condition is that it must meet the standards that apply to food production. And if an inexhaustible source of algae the ocean is nearby it will be quite simple to create such films," said Grigory Zyryanov.

A plastic embossed film having a random embossed matte finish is provided. The random embossed matte film may be wound very easily into rolls and the roll contour achieved has superior uniformity. In addition, the film provides relatively equal tape adhesion and gloss properties on both sides which make it especially suitable for use in articles such as disposable diapers or underpads. Another advantageous property that renders it especially suitable for diaper conversion operations is its very low degree of edge curl. The clear embossed film provides a totally different appearance as compared to conventional diaper films in that the overall appearance is a dull matte finish but nonetheless having slight sparkles of brilliance throughout the surface, and it further provides a softer feel.

As the name suggests, decorative film is aesthetically pleasing. This type of window film can serve two purposes: it can make the workplace not as dull, plus it can attract customers from the outside.
Decorative film can come in a number of patterns and colors, as well as opacity (such as gradients), and some places even let you make custom designs. You can include window film in your branding and create something that’s truly unique.
Since you can control the opacity of decorative film, not only can it brighten up your workplace, but it can also be an interesting type of privacy film. So instead of looking at plain window film every day, your employees can enjoy looking at interesting patterns.

Plasticiser (US: plasticizers) have been used for decades to make toys soft, flexible and safe by replacing or protecting sharp edges and avoiding brittleness which could result in a choking hazard. The use of some ortho-phthalates has been restricted in the European Union since December 1999. In 2005 the temporary restrictions were formalised in the Marketing and Use Directive which in turn was incorporated into Annex XVII of REACH. DEHP, DBP and BBP are restricted in all toys and childcare articles based on their reproductive properties. DINP, DIDP and DNOP are restricted in toys and childcare articles which can be placed in the mouth based on ECHA and RAC not being able to exclude a risk (due to mild liver effects seen at high doses in rat studies). The precise restrictions can be found in REACH Annex XVII (Paragraphs 51 and 52).

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  How Do Wind Turbines Work?
Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 05:59 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead of using electricity to make wind—like a fan—vertical wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates electricity.

Wind is a form of solar energy caused by a combination of three concurrent events:
1. The sun unevenly heating the atmosphere
2 .Irregularities of the earth's surface
3. The rotation of the earth. 
Wind flow patterns and speeds vary greatly across the United States and are modified by bodies of water, vegetation, and differences in terrain. Humans use this wind flow, or motion energy, for many purposes: sailing, flying a kite, and even generating electricity.
The terms "wind energy" and "wind power" both describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity.
horizontal wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades, which work like an airplane wing or helicopter rotor blade. When wind flows across the blade, the air pressure on one side of the blade decreases. The difference in air pressure across the two sides of the blade creates both lift and drag. The force of the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the rotor to spin. The rotor connects to the generator, either directly (if it’s a direct drive turbine) or through a shaft and a series of gears (a gearbox) that speed up the rotation and allow for a physically smaller generator. This translation of aerodynamic force to rotation of a generator creates electricity. 

Permanent magnets have been used to provide the magnetic field in small to medium sized generators for many years. The use of these in large renewable energy (RE)generators may offer performance advantages for future utility-scale generators.
Large (MW sized) permanent magnet generators (PMGs) are mainly found in the wind turbine sector today, but are not confined to this area. PMGs offer a number of advantages to the generator field and are being used in applications from standby plant to hydro generators. The PMG is finding particular application in renewable energy systems, where reduced size and higher efficiency give an advantage. The ability to find application in both low speed and high speed generators is accelerating the use of this type of equipment.

Solar panel connectors are crucial items in the installation of solar generation systems. The connector speeds up the installation and makes it relatively easy by ensuring continuity between cables that connect the modules in the solar array. This allows the current to flow from the solar panel to the solar charge controller, into the solar inverter, and then power every appliance at the home.
The solar cable connector plugged at the end of each wire is the main one responsible for simplifying modular installations for solar systems. By using these connectors, a solar installer can reconfigure the modules when increasing the size of the system, installing modules in parallel or series to achieve the desired array.
Using the right mc4 solar connector is important for the wiring of photovoltaic (PV) modules with other components in the system, especially when using a combiner box for larger systems. In this article, we will dive into the basics of solar connectors, you will learn about the different types of solar connectors, the differences among them, and many other important aspects that you should know.
Photovoltaic wire, also known as PV wire, is a single-conductor wire used to connect the panels of a photovoltaic electric energy system. A solar cable is the interconnection cable used in photovoltaic power generation. Solar cables interconnect solar panels and other electrical components of a photovoltaic system. Solar cables are designed to be ultraviolet resistant and weather resistant.

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  Retrievable and feedthrough production packers
Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 05:57 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

Retrievable and feedthrough production packers from us provide superior annular sealing solutions for your wells while affording efficient resetting and removal to minimize costs.
A range of retrievable options
Optimize your completion with our high-performance, retrievable production packers, which are designed to be versatile, reusable, and removable for any good application.  
And in your wells that include an intelligent completion system design, our feedthrough retrievable packers allow control lines to be deployed to provide power and communication with equipment lower in the wellbore. 
Removable production packers are also available to provide you the same pressure and temperature ratings as a permanent packer, but with the option of easy removal when required. While these wireline set permanent packers are designed for one-time use, they help minimize your removal costs without the need for milling out.
You get additional versatility by selecting multiple options to set these packers:

  • Mechanical, via tension set or compression set

  • Pressure, via hydraulic set or hydrostatic set

  • Wireline
Our range of retrievable packers gives you greater cost control and flexibility in your completions operations in several ways.
  • Save rig time and reduce costs. Save time on workovers and milling costs with our production packers that are easily removed from the wellbore for reuse

  • Achieve greater flexibility. Use our retrievable production packers to efficiently access secondary recovery operations, completions, and changes in the production tubing

  • Maintain efficient communication along the wellbore. Monitor conditions in the wellbore below the packer and control equipment like electric submersible pumps with confidence
Contact us to learn how our retrievable and feedthrough production packers can optimize your completion design.

Wireline tools such as logging tools, slick line tools can be stuck in the hole therefore we need to understand about wireline recovery tool. This article demonstrate typical wireline fishing / recovery tool.  Common wireline tool issues center around the cable being tangled or wadded in the hole, as well as the fact that attempts at fishing can pull the wireline out of the rope socket or part, further complicating tool retrieval.

As there is such a wide range of safety valves, there is no difficulty in selecting a safety valve that meets the specific requirements of a given application. Once a suitable type has been selected, it is imperative that the correct relieving pressure and discharge capacity are established, and a suitably sized valve and set pressure are specified.
The selection of a specific type of safety valve is governed by several factors:
Cost - This is the most obvious consideration when selecting a safety valve for a non-critical application. When making cost comparisons, it is imperative to consider the capacity of the valve as well as the nominal size. As mentioned in the previous module, there can be large variations between models with the same inlet connection but with varying lift characteristics.
Type of disposal system - Valves with an open bonnet can be used on steam, air or non-toxic gas, if discharge to the atmosphere, other than through the discharge system, is acceptable. A lifting lever is often specified in these applications.

Migration of sand within the reservoir can present major obstacles to well production through reduced production rates, sand bridging, erosion of equipment, and sand disposal and removal. Our sand control tool and technology begin with an in-depth analysis of the reservoir and well conditions. 
Based on your unique needs, we then provide specialized surface and downhole equipment, including gravel pack packers and screens, surface pumping equipment, fluid systems, and filtration systems, all supported by completion service so you can maximize value from your assets.

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Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 05:54 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

About 5000 to 7000 furnaces for sintering zirconia are produced every year at the moment. The numbers are rising. There are two different heating element types that are installed in the dental furnaces on the market to achieve the extremely high temperatures, usually in excess of 1400°C (2552°F). By far the largest share of the furnaces on the market is built with molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) heating elements. In some few cases, silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements will be used. These two element types differ in their properties in addition to the entirely different basic materials.
SiC heating elements are usually used up to a temperature of 1530°C (2786°F) as recommended by the furnace manufacturer. A firing cycle will take several hours. MoSi₂ heating elements can be used up to a temperature of 1750°C (3182°F), depending on the quality and furnace type. The maximum application temperature of these heating elements therefore is clearly above that of SiC heating elements. Additionally, the surface load, which means the power (W) that can be emitted per square centimeter (cm2) is more than twice that of SiC, at above 25 W/cm2. This permits much faster heating-up rates, to much higher application temperatures. Heating to 1550°C (2822°F) in less than 15 minutes is possible.
MolyCom®-Hyper 1800 (MoSi2) heating elements that have been used on the international dental market since 2005 have turned out to be much longer-lived than SiC elements in continuous tests and according to the experience of various furnace manufacturers. SiC elements usually need to be replaced after just a few hundred cycles due to the strong change of resistance, which corresponds to a service life of approx. 1-2 years at common use. MolyCom®-Hyper 1800 elements in contrast have been operated for more than 2500 cycles without any failure or need for exchange. Exchange of the defective element is usually sufficient in MoSi2 heating elements. In contrast to this, all parts of the SiC elements must be exchanged in one due to the strongly impaired resistance.

If we additionally compare the chemical analysis of the heating elements, the standard heating elements show a much higher degree of contamination, in particular by iron oxide. No contamination could be measured at use of the MolyCom®-Hyper 1800 elements up to a temperature of 1630°C (2966°F). No contamination was measured for MolyCom®-Hyper 1800 Super Clean elements up to 1680°C (3056°F).
Additionally, a contaminated zirconia sample on the surface was analyzed with a secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). As the analysis shows, increased contents of iron oxide could be documented in the sample up to a depth of 0.15 μm. While the degree of contamination is very low, it has a considerable visual effect. The vapor pressures of many different oxides at the surface temperatures of the MoSi2 heating elements in the furnace were additionally calculated with Fact Sage. 

Among the ceramic materials, silicon nitride ceramics possess good overall performance (e.g., high hardness, high strength, low density, low thermal conductivity, low chemical activity, and high wear resistance), which promotes these applied as rolling bearing, machine tools, sliding bearing in water pumps.

Aluminum titanate has outstanding properties that make it ideally suited for applications involving molten aluminum, including complete resistance to wetting by aluminum alloys, total gas impermeability, and a very low thermal expansion coefficient. This material offers a longer service life and higher reliability when compared to cast iron, calcium silicate or fused silica components. All riser/stalk tubes are 100% leak-down tested, and parts are available with gasketing and ceramic foam filters to provide complete assemblies.

Alumina ceramic is an industrial ceramic that has high hardness, is long wearing, and can only be formed by diamond grinding. It is manufactured from bauxite and can be shaped using injection molding, die pressing, isostatic pressing, slip casting, and extrusion.

Reaction bonded silicon carbide has excellent wear, impact, and chemical resistance. The strength of RBSC is almost 50% greater than that of most nitride bonded silicon carbides. It can be formed into a variety of shapes, including cone and sleeve shapes, as well as more complex engineered pieces designed for equipment involved in the processing of raw materials.

Ceramic fiber paper is a must-have for those who work in the manufacturing industry. It’s a type of the high-temperature insulated paper that’s integral to many manufacturing functions. For one thing, ceramic fiber paper has a huge variety of applications — whether it’s protecting gaskets (like rope gaskets) from high temperatures or providing insulation — and there’s a range of grades and thermal conductivity, depending on what’s needed. If you’re looking to purchase ceramic fiber paper, we’re your best bet — we’ll discuss some of the benefits and applications that you might not have expected out of this material and what you should expect when ordering and handling it. 
One of the major benefits of using ceramic fiber paper is that it has a low thermal conductivity and doesn’t store much heat. It’s also thermal shock resistant and is resistant to most chemicals, which means it has a low corrosion rate. It’s great if you’re looking to die-cut or use automatic stamping and has high dielectric strength as well. 
Another benefit to this type of paper is that it’s lightweight and uniform in its structure, which makes it a great type of insulation. It’s also flexible and fire-resistant! 

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  The Difference Between Network and Server Racks
Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 05:50 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

Before purchasing a server cabinet or server rack it is import ant to understand the difference between the different products that are available. This will ensure that you purchase exactly what you need.

Server Cabinets
Server Rack Cabinets such as the 42u Server Cabinet are generally nineteen inches wide by industry standards. This products is mostly used to install servers, UPS ES, monitors or similar equipment. Server rack cabinets, for the most part, are twenty-four inches in width, and thirty six inches deep. Some companies offer other measurement options to meet customers’ needs, however. Floor standing network server rack cabinets usually have a perforated front and rear. This feature offers ventilation for the equipment being housed. This is crucial to providing a safe environment for this type of equipment which generates a good deal of heat.

Network Cabinets
Network cabinets or Network Racks are often confused with server cabinets. However, there is a difference. Network cabinets are generally used for the storage of routers, patch panels, switches and a wide variety of networking equipment as well as networking accessories. In most cases a network cabinet will be far shallower than a server rack cabinet, generally measuring in at less than thirty one inches deep. Outdoor network cabinets will sometimes have glass or a strong plastic front door. Network cabinets also generally do not have perforated enclosures. The type of equipment generally housed in network cabinets does not generate the same amount of heat as that housed inside a server rack.
Because one product can not fulfill the needs of all office equipment storage, it may become necessary to do a thorough evaluation of the type of equipment being used, or that will be used, in order to make the most informed purchasing decision. In many cases, office spaces will require the use of both a server rack and a networking cabinet in order to house the various equipment that will be used there.
It is important to note, that improperly housing heat generating equipment is dangerous. This could cause damage to your equipment, or worse could become a fire hazard due to the temperatures which some servers can generate. Good rack dealers will help you decide which product is best for you.

Monitoring can be done either at the incomer of the PDU sockets in terms of the total power being drawn from the whole PDU, or it can be focused on an individual device’s demands from the socket. The latter provides a greater granularity for analysis but not all meters have the same accuracy, it may range from one to five percent, so it is worth investigating into the technical specifications.
PDU electronics also consume power at levels which can be significant, especially in a large scale data centre, given that it can range from as little as six to 60 watts. If intelligent PDUs are installed in a 200 rack data centre with dual PDUs in the rack then their power consumption could be as little as 2.4kW or as much as 24kW.
The switching function allows users to remotely shutdown individual sockets and to ‘hard boot’ any device that is connected to it. It is worth checking which type of switch device (or relay) is within the PDU construction, either monostable or bi-stable. The monostable needs a permanent supply of power to change state and stay there. Bringing it back means removing the power. 
The bi-stable needs to be pulsed with electricity to change state and pulsed again to come back. Bi-stable therefore uses less power than monostable, which can again be significant in terms of the aggregate consumption from a lot of sockets.

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  Everything you wanted to know about UV Lamps
Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 05:47 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

The use of UV light as a curing technology has been around for a long time. In the last few years it has become more popular since the technology on the lamps and the materials side has greatly improved. Applications are now on sheetfed, web and wide format inkjet equipment. The major advantages of UV inks are:
1)    Press sheets are dry when they come off the press
2)    Higher throughput speed than Infra-Red drying
3)    No Volatile Organic Compounds released in the air
4)    Resist smudging and abrasion
5)    UV Coatings have a “wet look”
6)    Do not have solvents to penetrate uncoated stocks
Most printers buy UV power supply systems that may be supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment but made by someone else. Understanding how UV lamps work can improve their performance and save you money.
There are series power supply for different applications. Low-pressure UV lamps may be used for disinfecting purposes, curing nails and dental fillings, or water purification. The type of lamp used in printing applications is usually a medium pressure, linear (straight tubes), mercury vapor arc lamp. Medium pressure UV lamps cure inks and coatings instantly. It is a photochemical, not a heat process. It allows the equipment to run at very high speeds for extended periods.
General use light bulbs have a filament. The electricity causes the filament to glow, producing light. Medium pressure UV lamps do not have a filament. They utilize a high voltage charge to ionize a mercury/gas mixture in the lamp creating a plasma that emits UV light. This system requires a high voltage/amperage power supply (typically a magnetic ballast transformer with a high voltage capacitor bank). The ballast is wired in series with the lamp and performs two functions. Initially, the ballast provides a high voltage charge to ‘strike’ or ‘ionize’ the mercury. Then, once the mercury is ionized, the ballast reduces the voltage and amperage required to keep the mercury ionized and emit a stable stream of UV light.
These lamps generate a specific wavelength to cure the inks or coatings. Currently, most of these lamps operate at 300 to 600 watts per inch with some newer systems using lamps that generate up to 1000 watts per inch. So a 30 inch UV bulb may be capable of an output of 30,000 watts. They also operate at very high temperatures (850 to 950 Celsius or 1550 to 1750 Fahrenheit).
This type of UV lamp is made from Quartz. A general glass product would not be able to withstand the high temperatures. An inert gas (usually argon) is pumped into the quartz sleeve and then mercury is added to achieve the proper electrical specification. Iron and gallium are occasionally added to achieve special wavelengths. The tubes are sealed and the correct electrical end-fittings are added to complete the lamp.
These lamps need a powerful cooling system to offset the high operating heat. They are usually air or air and water cooled. They also use reflectors to maximize the ultraviolet light delivered to the substrate. There must be an even flow of air or water across the lamp for proper curing. If lamps run too cool they may not cure the ink or coating. Some systems use outside air for cooling. As the seasons change, depending on your geographic location, you may need to adjust your fan speed or increase/decrease water temperature to maintain proper cooling.
Contamination is another problem that can affect lamp performance. Due to the high heat air contaminants such as spray powder from other presses or dust particles can bake on the lamps creating a haze. This decreases the performance of the lamps. Ideally, even after extended use the quartz should be completely clear.

The xenon searchlight is delivered with a built-in xenon power supply, excluding large and heavy external power supply’s. This design enables easy installation (no external power supply TA values or IP-ratings to be considered) and significant cost savings, by reducing engineering and eliminating these cables and connections:
- Cable between power source and external power supply
- Cable between power supply and searchlight
- Remote signal cable between searchlight and power supply

UV LED systems have a bright future in industrial and life science applications even given the fact that humans can’t see the light. In particular, LEDs in the UV-C band (generally 100–280 nm) promise to revolutionize sterilization and disinfection and could bring safe water to people around the globe and safer conditions to our medical facilities (Fig. 1). LEDs Magazine, in fact, covered a UV LED Curing with 4in1 designed for such an application earlier this year. Still, we hear that such applications need LEDs with higher performance and longer lifetimes to truly penetrate the market. But UV product developers need to rethink LED lifetime as another variable in the engineering process.

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  WPC Flooring, SPC Flooring and LVT Flooring: What Differences, Similarities and Benef
Posted by: ndjuw256 - 08-18-2021, 05:45 AM - Forum: Welcomes and Introductions - No Replies

If you own a modern home or have plans to own one in the future, you must have heard of vinyl floorings. These affordable and stylish flooring options are increasingly becoming the choice of many homeowners and commercial property owners who want to give their living and working spaces a fresh look. 
There are three main types of vinyl flooring - WPC flooring, LVT flooring and SPC flooring. In terms of market entry, traditional versions of Luxury Vinyl Tile flooring have been in the market for many years. With time, changes in buyer preferences led to the development of advanced flooring solutions that saw rigid core vinyl such as WPC and SPC flooring hit the market.
Even so, each flooring type comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks that you need to consider before settling for one. Though different, the three flooring types share several similarities.
In this article, we explore the benefits, differences and similarities that SPC Vinyl flooring, LVT and WPC floorings have. 
Before we delve into this, let's first define each of these vinyl floorings:
LVT Flooring
Luxury Vinyl Tile is an updated and innovative version of vinyl flooring that is today a top contender when it comes to floor installations in commercial and living spaces. Designed with a real wood, stone or ceramic look, carpet grain LVT flooring is not just affordable, it is also durable, waterproof and resistant to scratches. 
SPC Flooring
Stone Plastic Composite (SPC flooring), also referred to as Rigid Vinyl Plank, is an upgrade of LVT. SPC vinyl flooring comes with multiple layers and backing options that make it ideal for homes. Some key aspects that make it stand out include low noise levels, no warping, eco-friendliness and insulation against sound and heat. 
WPC Flooring
Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) derives its name from the wood-like material used to make it. These materials include a foaming agent known as polyvinyl chloride, plasticisers, wood flour and calcium carbonate. 
Benefits of LVT, WPC and SPC Flooring
There are numerous benefits that home and commercial property owners derive from using vinyl floorings. These include:
1.Wear Resistance
All three vinyl floorings - WPC, SPC and Luxury Plank Vinyl have a high resistance to wear and tear. This means if you choose to install any of them in your home or commercial entity, you can use them for a long time without seeing signs of wear and tear on them. 
2.Do Not Fade Fast
While WPC, LVT and SPC floorings will eventually fade, they do not do so fast. As a matter of fact, these flooring score moderately when it comes to fade resistance. This is because they have a UV coating treatment that keeps their color from fading fast. This means that once installed, you don't have to worry about your floor losing its shine and color in a few years. With proper maintenance, you can enjoy a great floor appearance for a considerably long time. 
3. 100% waterfroof
When constructing a home or a commercial building, you'll need to put waterproof flooring in rooms. The high moisture resistance feature in LVT, SPC and WPC floor makes them an obvious choice for such spaces. SPC and WPC floor have a core that is completely waterproof. These vinyl click floor can be installed in places like kitchens, bathrooms, basements and laundry rooms where hardwood or moisture sensitive floor types are not recommended. 
4.Easy to Install
Installing WPC, SPC or LVT floor is pretty easy and DIY installation is possible. Since the vinyl planks are easy to attach and lock, they can be installed on any existing floor or subfloor without using glues. 
However, there are places that each floor type works well. For instance, due to their rigid core, SPC vinyl plank flooring are suitable for commercial buildings. On the other hand, WPC floor are most suitable for residential spaces due to their ability to hide floor imperfections. LVT vinyl flooring work well in leveling uneven surfaces while WPC can cover crafts on concrete or wooden floor. 
5.Design Options 
If you decide to fix a WPC, LVT or SPC floor in your commercial or living space, you'll be spoilt for design choices. All the three floor types are available in numerous designs. They are available in just about any pattern and color.
Making them in different designs is easy - all manufacturers have to do is to print patterns on the vinyl layer. Most designs resemble other floor types. For instance, you'll find SPC and WPC floor that have designs similar to stone, tile and hardwood flooring.
6.Easy to Maintain 
All three floor types are pretty easy to clean and maintain. To keep them looking great, all that home or commercial space users have to do is sweep them regularly and clean them occasionally. 
Key Differences and Similarities Between LVT, WPC and SPC Flooring
While they have similarities, WPC, LTV and SPC floorings also have several differences. These include: 
1.Manufacturing Materials
These three vinyl floorings differ in the composition of the materials that are used to make them. SPC flooring is made from polyvinyl chloride, limestone powder and stabilizers. While WPC floorings also contain polyvinyl chloride, the other materials differ from those used in SPC flooring. The limestone powder and stabilizers are replaced by plasticisers, wood flour and calcium carbonate in WPC flooring. 
2.Structural Design
LVT, WPC and SPC are all hybrid flooring. This means they are designed with several layers. However, the layers vary in type from one flooring type to another. For instance, wood grain SPC flooring has a core layer that is made of PVC powder, a stabilizer and calcium powder. On the other hand, LVT Vinyl Flooring have a decor and a wear layer. For the WPC floor, the core area comprises a foaming layer and an LVT layer that has PVC powder, calcium powder and a plasticizer.
The other major structural difference between WPC and LVT or SPC flooring is in the way they have been constructed. LVT Plank flooring have a PVC core while SPC vinyl plank flooring have a rigid core. However, both of them can move and even flex with ease. This is not the case with WPC floorings. Due to the wood-plastic composite material that is used to fix their core, these floorings are more stable and more solid compared to LVT and SPC vinyl flooring.
3.UV Top Coating
The top layer in the all three vinyl floors -SPC, LVT and WPC - are the same. Each of these floor has a UV coating that helps in maintaining their lush appearance by preventing color fading. 
4.Thickness of Floor Planks
Generally, the thickness of the three flooring planks ranges between between 3.2mm and 8mm. However, WPC floor planks are much thicker compared to LVT and SPC floorings. With a thickness that ranges between 3.2 mm and 7mm, SPC Vinyl flooring are not as thick as LVT plank flooring that measure 4mm and WPC flooring that have a minimum thickness of 5mm.  
5.Firmness of Vinyl Planks
When it comes to firmness and cushioning, WPC floor carry the day. The sturdiness of floor vinyl is largely determined by the material that is used to develop its core. Since WPC vinyls have a thicker core than stone grain SPC flooring or stone grain LVT flooring, it is more stable and has a cushioned feel when you walk on it. SPC floor also have a relatively high level of sturdiness, which causes the floor to feel softer. The sturdiness also protects SPC flooring against dents and wear.
6.Floor Plank Insulation
Insulation capabilities vary from one floor type to the other. If you prioritize sound insulation, go for a floor plank that has a thicker core like WPC. Because they do not have thick cores, LVT and SPC flooring perform poorly when it comes to absorbing noise than WPC floor. The thickness absorbs impact sounds, which reduces the noise that the floors produce as you walk on them. 
7.Durability of Vinyl Planks
While all three floor types are designed to last for an extended period of time, their durability varies from one floor type to another. In most instances, durability of vinyl floor is determined by how thick the top wear layer is. 
Even so, SPC floor is not as thick as WPC flooring. However, the former are denser than WPC floor - an aspect that makes them more resistant to damage arising from heavy weight or impacts. Since they do not tear or wear easily, SPC floor become ideal for areas that are prone to high traffic.
8.Cost of Vinyl Planks
Vinyl planks are generally not as expensive as other forms of flooring. However, out of WPC, SPC and LVT flooring, SPC flooring tends to be the most affordable. 
9.Resistance to High Temperature
While LVT, SPC and WPC flooring can be installed in rooms that have high moisture exposure, not all of them can withstand high temperatures. WPC and LVT floor do not work well in spaces that experience high temperature changes. If you have such spaces, carpet grain SPC flooring will perform much better compared to the other two. This is because SPC floor have a denser core that causes them to resist contractions and expansions compared to WPC floors. 
10.Environmental Friendliness
Eco-friendliness of vinyl floors depends on the materials that are used to make them. Since WPC and Wood grain LVT flooring contain plasticiser, a material that is not eco-friendly, they are not considered environmental friendly. SPC flooring do not contain artificial materials like glue and plasticiser. These vinyl floors are therefore considered eco-friendly - which makes them a great choice for pets and kids.

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