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[V8SC] Round 5, Bathurst, Stewards Briefing
Round 5, Bathurst, Stewards Briefing
June 30th, 2016

29 lap endurance event, worked out based on 2:09's going into one hour 28 times + 1 lap.

Teams and drivers are advised of the following information contained within:
Qualifying Procedure
Starting Procedure
Pit Entry and Exit

All information contained in this stewards briefing is created with the purpose of ensuring we have stable events, so CANZ administrators appreciate that everyone follows this information along with adhering to the CANZ sporting regulations.

Qualifying Procedure:
For our Bathurst round we'll be doing a single lap shootout qualifying session.

The session will be set to three laps. Each driver will get an outlap, and a flying lap before all drivers cross the finish line on the third lap to complete the session. The order will be determined on reverse championship order (if you are lower down the championship standings you will set your time earlier).

The driver taking the first lap will proceed immediately to complete their out lap and flyer. All other drivers are to move to the grass area to the left of the exit of turn one and pit-out. All other drivers are to maintain position on the grass until the driver ahead of them starts their flying lap (passes the field waiting on the mountain straight), once the driver on a flying lap passes this area the next driver can commence their out lap. Once a driver has completed their flying lap, they must return to the grassed area at the pit out to wait for other drivers to complete their flying lap. Assuming a similar number to that which we had on Thursday (10-12 drivers) the session should take approximately 15-20 minutes.

Starting Procedure:
A standard start will be used. There will be no reverse grid race this round as it is the endurance round. If there is it will be a non-championship scoring race.

Pit Entry and Exit:
Pit entry and exit for Bathurst is fairly straight forward, call it early so drivers are aware you're heading in, and call when you are exiting. The racing line merges from the right of the circuit across to the left so traffic will be able to filter.

Any questions, pop them below!
[Image: signature_S5.png]

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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[V8SC] Round 5, Bathurst, Stewards Briefing - by Scav3nger - 06-04-2016, 03:39 AM

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