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TSG's Soccar Championships - Season I
Firstly congratulations to the Knights of Utopia who are the champions of Season I. While it came as no surprise, they showed that skill and great teamwork can get the job done.


A new thread will commence shortly for Season II, so in the meantime here is some info on what is going to be happening between now and then:

Due to missing results from one of the finals matches, I won't be tracking stats for this section of the season, therefore player values will remain unchanged from the completion of the home and away period. Therefore the salary cap and draft process, will be assessed by admins in the coming weeks to hopefully identify any major issues/flaws before the real one happens.

We still have the BYOT challenge coming up to keep folks entertained while we commence planning for Season II.

If anyone has suggestions and thoughts on Season I that can possibly improve players experience, please post away.

I will remind everyone that it has already been acknowledged that the loophole allowing BYOT matches to count towards players ability to captain teams in the normal season has been closed. This loophole did allow TWTP to form Knights of Utopia.

As we have also mentioned numerous times, the salary cap comes into full effect for season II, therefore team rosters are going to be different and skill levels will be spread more evenly (depending on captains strategy when picking their players in the draft). Our hope is that we will see more even matches, and people teaming up with different players and socialising more through this. In turn this will help build a stronger healthier community.

So while we admins are already working towards improvements in that area, it would be great to hear people's thoughts on things such as match length, sub usage, methods for organising matches, number of rounds per week (scheduling in general).

I would like to see a way in which we can have a feature match each week we are playing that can be streamed like last night.

I would also like to see a rule introduced that prevents teams from bringing in a sub whose player value is outside a certain range of the player being replaced. E.G. A player worth 300k subs for a player worth 95k....

I realise this could make things harder again to get a sub in, but if we limit team numbers so we have more subs potentially available, that could help in this area.

Messages In This Thread
RE: TSG's Soccar Championships - Season I - by z00lu - 09-14-2016, 12:39 AM

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