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TSG's Soccar Championships - Season I
Ok here it is

this is based on if you can get all 21 main players back next time.

Salary: $1,100,000

Team 1:
NuclearMajor $795,000
Hellspawn $133,000
Doc $158,000

Team 2:
Furious $672,000
DaddyDavis $171,000
Deadx $229,000

Team 3:
NuclearNinja $583,000
Woebe $243,000
Dragon $241,000

Team 4:
Chaos $560,000
Hunter $238,000
Data $268,000

Team 5: 
xDrinkTillDeathx $431,000
Archalees $307,000
Zola $328,000

Team 6:
Alsimo $367,000
z00lu $351,000
Brute $339,000

Team 7:
Slinn $389,000
Drifter $290,000
Scav $356,000

I done that pretty quickly and this is what my focus was on: 
Team 1,2+3 have 1 player who is extremely good so they got the majority of the lower rated players. Team 4+5 had one player who stands out from the other 2 but have decent skill. Team 6+7 are more of the middle players where they have steady skill ratings on all 3 players hence why their overall salary is lower than the teams above.

Now there is this issue, with the teams being like this and equal, Major, Furious and Ninja are not going to be happy as no offence to the lower players but they may become frustrated if they keep making mistakes costing them the game.

With all this, it would mean for one all players are in a team so there isn't any subs to pick meaning an all-star ai would be the only choice to 3v3. Or 6 teams if 18 people want to play full-time which could be bad for balancing if it is the lower waged players

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RE: TSG's Soccar Championships - Season I - by Brute x Magicz - 09-15-2016, 06:57 AM

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